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Week Two - Philadelphia Marathon Training

This week was week two of marathon training. Here's my weekly overview:

Monday - Yoga, 1 mile run

Tuesday - 45 minute recovery run

Wednesday - Intervals (10 min warmup, 5 min running, 90 second rest X4, cool down)

Thursday - 30 minute recovery run in heart rate zone 2, 30 minute cross train (spin bike)

Friday - Intervals (10 min warmup, 5 min running, 2 minute rest X4, cool down)

Saturday - 90 minute long run

Sunday - Yoga, 1 mile run

This week I realized that if I only look at the calendar in my Garmin app on my phone, I'm missing pieces of the training plan. Only the running workouts show on the app calendar so I missed a cross training session in week one. I'm not sure why this is, my guess is since my watch doesn't have a yoga setting or a cross train setting it doesn't show in the app or on my watch interface. Some of the upper level watches have many more activity settings than my Forerunner 235. Glad I realized this in week two though. I printed the entire training plan so I can check things off and see a complete picture easily.

I pulled the long run up to Saturday from Sunday again this week but I didn't pull the entire week up by a day, which I wish I would have. Going forward, I think I need to look at the entire week plan and decide if those days work with my schedule, otherwise, if I want to move the long run to Saturday, I could end out with hard runs on consecutive days, which happened this week.

Just like last week, the interval runs were my least favorite but I'm trusting the plan and did them as prescribed. The nice thing is that they get automatically synced to my watch so I don't have to program them into Garmin which is so nice.

I know heart rate training is fairly popular right now but I've never used that approach before. Thursday's recovery run was to be in heart rate zone 2. Rather than showing my pace, my watch face showed my heart rate zone. I took this photo while running so it's a little blurry. It seemed like my watch was continually beeping to tell me my heart rate was too high or too low. It was just a different metric than I'm used to going by.

Like last week's long run, I had a number of miles in mind that I thought I should get to. I wanted to get at least 8 miles, which would be a fairly standard week 2 long run for marathon training. I was hopeful I could get close to 8 on the 90 minutes on the plan but decided to walk the rest if needed. The run wasn't terrible but didn't feel quite as good as last week. I got out there much later, it was early afternoon rather than morning. I ran just under 7 miles in the 90 minutes prescribed and walked/ran the last mile.

I had been doing a fair amount of yoga classes in the Peloton app so I'm getting back to more of that. I found doing even a 5-10 minute standing yoga class most days to be helpful to my running but I haven't been making time for it.

Igor joined my for post long run strength training. I took off my soaked shirt and he can't get enough of snuggling with sweaty clothing.

Bring on week 3!


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