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Week Four - Philadelphia Marathon training

It's hard to believe I'm already a quarter of the way through this training cycle! I really hoped I could carry through the discipline it took to get my MBA to training. I really surprised myself doing graduate level schoolwork and I kept thinking I couldn't wait to see what I could do if I put the same grit into marathon training. I have quite a few races through September and October and I'm looking forward to seeing where I am. I know from the past that persevering through summer humidity is rewarded with outcomes at fall races but I don't want to rest on my laurels.

Monday - Intervals (15 min warmup, 8 min running, 2 min rest X3, cool down)

Tuesday - 30 minute recovery run, body-weight exercises 15 minutes

Wednesday - 45 minute Fartlek

Thursday - Rest day, 1 mile run

Friday - Intervals (10 min warmup, 10 min running, 2 minute rest X3, cool down

Saturday - 135 minute long run

Sunday - Rest day, 1 mile run

Mondays run was on the treadmill. It was my first time on the treadmill of this training cycle. I came home from work and an afternoon rainstorm was tapering off but it was already 7pm so I opted for the convenience of the treadmill.

Interestingly, the interval runs are growing on me. I'm loving the time based training vs distance based. I enjoyed the long run on Saturday and got just over 9 miles but I took so many walk breaks. I should be closer to 10-12 miles for a week 4 long run but it was so humid. I'm a a very sweaty person so as much as I love summer, I'm often drenched in the first half mile. I still got the time on my feet though. If I had time, I may have tacked 2 more miles walking on but I needed to get on with some other commitments. This is the second week that I've done my strength training before my run. I do a Peloton core and upper body workout everyday. I can be as simple as a 5-10 minute light weight toning but it helps me not to neglect those areas when I spend a lot of time running. I usually think I need all my energy to run but switching the order is much nicer. When I come home worn out and hot and sweaty, I can peel off my clothes and shower.

On Thursday night, I used my Speed Hound compression boots. They are electric powered and compress your legs from thigh to toes. I find it really takes away soreness.

I did a fair amount of 'for fun' cross training on Sunday. I did a 30 minute spin class and went paddle boarding. We checked out a state park 40 minutes away and it was totally worth driving an extra 10 minutes from the lake we went to last weekend. Motorized watercraft is not permitted so rather than being the only person on a paddle board among fishing boats, I was among paddle boards, canoes, kayaks, and wind surfers. I have a seat that can attach to the board so it can be used like a kayak. I used it both standing and sitting and I'm not sure which I liked more. They were both really fun.


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